Life Mantra 2 - Goal Setting Dt 05-11-19

Dear Readers,

Greetings of the day!

Goal Setting is one of the important decision of everybody's life, Without a Goal its like an uncontrolled ship.

It's necessary for everyone to set Goal for his, it may be of A Good Career, A Business or a Savings of even making friends, you can also have multiple goals at the same time.

Bus how to set goal its a Big Question arose against most of us.

And when you have a question related to your goal, you first think why you need to achieve this goal, what will be the outcome, and its good & bad impact on you, if you know the impact of your goal, then you should start working for your goals immediately, if you spent more time to decide the goal, but if you are not acting on it then it is of no use.

You must decide the goal & immediate start action on it.

Before Goal setting you should plan well in advance, you also have a backup plan incase first one will not succeed.

Goal Setting is a stage where your future of success is depend on it,  So, one must plan it carefully.

Goal setting approach must be collaborative, you can seek advise from the field expert, your friends & family and then act full throw to meet your Goal.

Thanks for reading, have a good time.


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