Life Mantra 2 - Dt 21-Oct-19 15.16 PM - Solution on why Me a victim

Dear Readers,

Its harsh life sometimes, Sometimes we feel that we are victim for some un-pleasant incidence, And e feel sorrow inside, sometimes we feel our self broken, and ask to inner or if you believe on god you ask him also that Why this things happens to me.

Dear Friends, Please remember we may be victim of that particular moment but not for lifetime, we can change our fate by our self, we can make our self confident to survive from that difficult incident and it is possible just with our inner strength and positive actions. Sometimes we have to let go something beside, its in our hand to take caution that it wont happen again and again, change your focus towards other good things in the world, and think deeply to understand what is you and what the best from you want to spread into the world.

What you think, That you Become.

So think positive be positive

Thanks for reading, Enjoy the life  


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